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Online Donations

We have two ways to accept donations online

Donate Directly

Make a one-time donation or become a partner by setting up recurring donations.

Amazon Wishlist

Donations of items like these will help us continue to grow and support our mission of providing books to our community at no cost. Click on our Wishlist link below to see our most current needs. You may also donate items in person during our open hours.

In-Person Donations

We accept:

Books in good condition

  • No mold/excessive dust (if it’s been in your basement untouched for years, it likely falls in this category)
  • No water damage/animal droppings
  • Decent spine/cover condition (No missing covers, torn spine where you can’t read the title, etc)

Audiobooks on CD and complete encyclopedia sets are accepted.

NO magazines.

We reserve the right to decline a donation based on these guidelines.

Reusable bags

Tote shopping/drawstring style used bags in good condition.

DONATIONS MAY BE DROPPED OFF: 9AM-2PM (On our open days) to allow volunteers to handle the books before we close.

Special book needs:

  • Westerns
  • Children’s board books
  • Children’s graphic novels
Volunteer laying in a giant pile of donated books