Who We Are
Our free bookstore serves Muskegon and the surrounding areas by providing free access to a wide range of books.
There are no qualifications, no requirements, and no strings attached.
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Are the books free?
What's the catch?
No catch! Shopping here won’t cost you a dime. No bill, no invoice, no limit. We have a gift, and it’s our joy to provide one to you.
All books are stamped “NOT FOR RESALE,” and we require you not to resell them for profit.
We have a donation box or online donation if you’d like to support our work.
Where do the books come from?
Community members and partners like libraries and schools have donated all our books.
How many books can I have?
Would you like a box? Want to borrow a shopping cart to get your books to your car? We don’t set any limits as long as you utilize the books.
Do you have this particular book called...
We give away thousands of books every time we open our doors. We don’t keep a detailed inventory because it changes so fast! If you’re looking for a particular title, please visit us and see what we currently have!
How can I support you?
- Donate Money
- (helps us cover insurance, expenses, bookshelves, and volunteer needs. You can donate directly on our donate page)
- Donate Books
- (see our donate page for more details)
- Donate items on our wishlist
Upcoming Events & Open Hours
There are no upcoming events at this time
Hours + Location
Park behind the building, come in under the awning and walk up the ramp inside. We’re right there!
From the North: Head south on Business 31/Seaway Drive to Southern Ave. Use the right-hand turn lane to turn right onto Southern. Our building is on the right side of the street, about 2/3 miles up. There is parking available behind the building.
From the South: Head north on Business 31/Seaway Drive to Southern Ave. Use the left-hand turn lane to turn left onto Southern. Our building is on the right side of the street, about 2/3 miles up. There is parking available behind the building.
Public Transportation
Our location is at the corner of Southern and Franklin Ave, in the Nims neighborhood.